Apple Mail

To setup an email account on Apple Mail:

1. Launch Apple Mail.

2. Select File from the top menu bar and click Add Account.

     Add account

3. Enter your nameemail address and password, then click [Continue].

     Mail account setup

4. Enter your incoming server type as POP and click [Continue].

     Incoming mail server:
     The Description: e.g. Work or Home email. 
     Username: The email address you are sending email from.
     Password: The password used for this email account. 

     Incoming mail server 

5. Apple Mail will now test the connection to the specified mail server. Once this is complete, click [Continue].

6. If the Incoming Mail Security screen appears, leave Use Secure Socket Layer unticked and click [Continue].

    Incoming mail security

7. Enter the outgoing mail server and ensure that the Use Authentication checkbox is ticked and click [Continue].

8. Enter your username and password (if these fields are not automatically populated) then click [Continue].

    Outgoing mail server

9. If the Outgoing Mail Security screen appears, leave Use Secure Socket Layer unticked and click [Continue].

    Outgoing mail security

10. View the account summary and click Create. Ticking the Take my account online checkbox will ensure that your account is activated immediately.

     Account summary
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